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Pas un liens mais des liens, fais ton choix parmi les plus "performants" en gros !

  • J'aime 1



"What is it you believe in? What is it you're fighting for now? Is it for that medal you received? Or your father's orders? "

"But the things you are capable of doing, and the things you want to do... You should be the one who is most aware of the answers to those."


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"What is it you believe in? What is it you're fighting for now? Is it for that medal you received? Or your father's orders? "

"But the things you are capable of doing, and the things you want to do... You should be the one who is most aware of the answers to those."


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Je saurais pas te dire, moi j'utilise ce site pour voir mes matches depuis un ptit moment, ça m'évite de trop galérer à chercher !


Merci pour la signature !



"What is it you believe in? What is it you're fighting for now? Is it for that medal you received? Or your father's orders? "

"But the things you are capable of doing, and the things you want to do... You should be the one who is most aware of the answers to those."


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  • J'aime 1

Un seul sport n'a connu ni arrêts ni reculs : le football. A quoi cela peut-il tenir sinon à la valeur intrinsèque du jeu lui-même, aux émotions qu'il procure, à l'intérêt qu'il présente ?

Pierre de Coubertin

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