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Je veux Ander, mais pas sans Fellaini :( Les deux ça nous ferait tellement du bien au milieu. Un mec qui peut remplacer ou aider Carrick, et un mec qui sait se projeter vers l'avant. m****, c'est dont on a besoin!

Je suis d'accord. L'un sans l'autre ferait un mercato mitigé. Les deux ensemble ce serait le top

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Commentaire du mec qui a regarder tout ses matchs pour faire la vidéo:


This guy is fantastic, I couldn't obviously show everything but the full games I watched he doesn't do a lot of mistakes and he tends to want to pass and move a lot too, if he does move to Manchester United I have no doubt that he could slip into the squad easily over Cleverley and have an immediate impact. Sorry for the delay, hope it's worth it! I would very much appreciate it if you could like this video and share it around. Click here to skip the stats and go straight to the review - 0:45

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J'adore Athletic, vraiment, on leur a pris un excellent joueur.

Moi je préfère Manchester United pas toi? :D

Commentaire du mec qui a regarder tout ses matchs pour faire la vidéo:


This guy is fantastic, I couldn't obviously show everything but the full games I watched he doesn't do a lot of mistakes and he tends to want to pass and move a lot too, if he does move to Manchester United I have no doubt that he could slip into the squad easily over Cleverley and have an immediate impact. Sorry for the delay, hope it's worth it! I would very much appreciate it if you could like this video and share it around. Click here to skip the stats and go straight to the review - 0:45

In french please?


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Y a rien d'officiel pour l'instant juste qu'aux dernières news on a des émissaires présents pour conclure le deal et payer la clause !!!!

I saw my mate, the other day

He said to me he'd seen the white Pele.

So I asked, who is he?

He goes by the name of Wayne Rooney.

Wayne Rooney, Wayne Rooney

He goes by the name of Wayne Rooney!

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