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T'inquiètes s'il bat Federrer il parait qu'il va nous faire de la tecktonik en se foutant à poil au milieu du court

"My greatest challenge was knocking Liverpool right off their fucking perch," Ferguson said. "And you can print that."

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La magnifique, superbe Ana Ivanovic mène 1 set a zéro contre Jankovic en demi finale de RG


T'inquiètes s'il bat Federrer il parait qu'il va nous faire de la tecktonik en se foutant à poil au milieu du court


c'est impossible que Federer perd contre Monfils !

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Punaise j'ai raté le match de mes SERBES!!! Fais ch*** la ^philo! Etait-ce un bon match? N'empêche ma petite Ana est à présent no1 Mondiale!!!Bravo :)

"You're gonna do us all proud. When you put on those red shirts it! You can win this thing. If I could choose anybody I wanted, from Hungary, West Germany, Italy, Spain, all of South America...I'd still pick every single one of you...You're Manchester United...Go over there and get stuck in!"
- Jimmy Murphy.
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Anaaaaaaaaaaa je t'aiiiimeuuuuuuuuuu :wub:

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me :


Twelve Cantonas, Eleven Cantonas, Ten Cantonas,[...] [...]Fiiiiiiive Cantoooonaaaas, Four Cantonas, Three Cantonas, Two Cantonas, and an Eric Cantona !

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Le match de l'année Bof...Novak est pas du tout en forme ça m"énerve!Sur une autre surface il aurait mis la misère à Nadal...La place de second sera pas pour maintenant je pense...Dommage, j'adore Djokovic, mais il a toujours un break de retard!

"You're gonna do us all proud. When you put on those red shirts it! You can win this thing. If I could choose anybody I wanted, from Hungary, West Germany, Italy, Spain, all of South America...I'd still pick every single one of you...You're Manchester United...Go over there and get stuck in!"
- Jimmy Murphy.
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Ouais c'est fou! Moi non plus je l'aime pas trop!Bah c'est pas grave j'ai déjà une serbe en finale, mais j'aurais aimé une finale homme avec un serbe!

pu**** Nadal a réussi a marqué un point a 3/1 alors que Novak avait dominé tout le point :o


C'est fini pour Djoko... 4/1 double break pour Nadal! MERDOUILLE!


AJDE DJOKO!!!!!!!!!!

"You're gonna do us all proud. When you put on those red shirts it! You can win this thing. If I could choose anybody I wanted, from Hungary, West Germany, Italy, Spain, all of South America...I'd still pick every single one of you...You're Manchester United...Go over there and get stuck in!"
- Jimmy Murphy.
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AJDE DJOKO! Il revient NOLE! COME ONNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Le vrai Djokovic est de retour!

"You're gonna do us all proud. When you put on those red shirts it! You can win this thing. If I could choose anybody I wanted, from Hungary, West Germany, Italy, Spain, all of South America...I'd still pick every single one of you...You're Manchester United...Go over there and get stuck in!"
- Jimmy Murphy.
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C'est pas fini Nole est bien chaud là ! allez ! pètes le à 7 5 !

Edit : Yes ! une balle de tie break en moins, allez 2 points mon petit.

Edit 2 : Tin, nouvelle balle de tie break...

"My greatest challenge was knocking Liverpool right off their fucking perch," Ferguson said. "And you can print that."

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Arf l'autre il revient aussi merdouille!AJDEEEEEEEE SERBIAN!

"You're gonna do us all proud. When you put on those red shirts it! You can win this thing. If I could choose anybody I wanted, from Hungary, West Germany, Italy, Spain, all of South America...I'd still pick every single one of you...You're Manchester United...Go over there and get stuck in!"
- Jimmy Murphy.
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Bon ben tie break alors.

Edit : Ca part trop mal, je le sens mal.

Edit 2 : 3-0 c'est quasi mort. Dommage, bon tournoi de Djoke

Edit 3 : 4-0 tu peux sortir les mouchoirs Vidic-15

"My greatest challenge was knocking Liverpool right off their fucking perch," Ferguson said. "And you can print that."

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Punaise.. 3-0 pour Nadal fais CH***!!!! NOLE :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

"You're gonna do us all proud. When you put on those red shirts it! You can win this thing. If I could choose anybody I wanted, from Hungary, West Germany, Italy, Spain, all of South America...I'd still pick every single one of you...You're Manchester United...Go over there and get stuck in!"
- Jimmy Murphy.
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6-0 :cry:

"You're gonna do us all proud. When you put on those red shirts it! You can win this thing. If I could choose anybody I wanted, from Hungary, West Germany, Italy, Spain, all of South America...I'd still pick every single one of you...You're Manchester United...Go over there and get stuck in!"
- Jimmy Murphy.
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Affolant cette maitrise...énervant presque...J'aurais cru que Nole était un gros danger pour Nadal mais non...

Espérons qu'un Monfils avec la fougue et la hargne vienne lui botter les fesses.

"My greatest challenge was knocking Liverpool right off their fucking perch," Ferguson said. "And you can print that."

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:cry: :cry: :cry: il aura fait un bon tournoi quand même!



"You're gonna do us all proud. When you put on those red shirts it! You can win this thing. If I could choose anybody I wanted, from Hungary, West Germany, Italy, Spain, all of South America...I'd still pick every single one of you...You're Manchester United...Go over there and get stuck in!"
- Jimmy Murphy.
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Affolant cette maitrise...énervant presque...J'aurais cru que Nole était un gros danger pour Nadal mais non...

Espérons qu'un Monfils avec la fougue et la hargne vienne lui botter les fesses.


Faudrait passer Federer !!! :P



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C'est sur, mais c'est emmerdant d'avoir la même finale à chaque fois, ça enleve la magie de leur tennis parce qu'on les connait par coeur! pu**** IL A GAGNE....................

"You're gonna do us all proud. When you put on those red shirts it! You can win this thing. If I could choose anybody I wanted, from Hungary, West Germany, Italy, Spain, all of South America...I'd still pick every single one of you...You're Manchester United...Go over there and get stuck in!"
- Jimmy Murphy.
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