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Alors je mets déjà ceux que je sais, et je mettrais le reste plus tard:


Take That - Rule the World

Clint Mansell - Requiem for a dream

Muse - Map of the problematique (ou problematic)


Le reste je mettrais tout à l'heure!

"You're gonna do us all proud. When you put on those red shirts it! You can win this thing. If I could choose anybody I wanted, from Hungary, West Germany, Italy, Spain, all of South America...I'd still pick every single one of you...You're Manchester United...Go over there and get stuck in!"
- Jimmy Murphy.
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Alors je mets déjà ceux que je sais, et je mettrais le reste plus tard:


Take That - Rule the World

Clint Mansell - Requiem for a dream

Muse - Map of the problematique (ou problematic)


Le reste je mettrais tout à l'heure!


Merci miss vidic ;)



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Désolée du retard alors je les remets:

irst song the SPCM Intro - John Murphy - In the House - In a Heartbeat


The songs in the actual video in order...


All to heaven-John Murhpy(Sunshine OST)

The final fight-Rocky Balboa

A Indian song from a trailer of a movie (Celle là je l'ai en MP3 si vous voulez je vous la mettrais à télécharger)

Lux Aeterna(Full orchestral version mixed with LOTR version)-Clint Mansell

Pieces-Red(End of Silence)

Map of the Problematique-Muse

Some song I found on Youtube (donc celle ci je ne sais pas!)

Rule the World-Take that

Clubbed to Death-Rob Dougan

Death is the road to Awe-Clint Mansell The Fountain OST

What can you see/The Surface of the Sun- John Murphy Sunshine OST


Elles sont dans l'ordre de la video!^^

"You're gonna do us all proud. When you put on those red shirts it! You can win this thing. If I could choose anybody I wanted, from Hungary, West Germany, Italy, Spain, all of South America...I'd still pick every single one of you...You're Manchester United...Go over there and get stuck in!"
- Jimmy Murphy.
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  • 2 semaines après...

superbe cette video!!! du debut (très emouvant) à la fin!! dommage juste qu'on entende pas super bien quand SAF, CR et canto parlent à la fin de la video

merci beaucoup en tout cas :bj2:


si parmi vous certains habitent Londres merki de me contacter par MP ;)
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  • 2 semaines après...

Eh oui encore une fois Ananth fait des merveilles pour nous! ENJOY!


Manchester United 'Our Destiny' 07/08 By Ananth


About the comp:


This is my sequel to my last years video about Man Utd's season 'This is just the beginning' and as I said that was just the beginning. :D Anyways,this is a fast paced season review like compilation about our double winning season.I have alot of problems in the computer and have to reformat my system soon,so I just wanted to do one last comp with all the clips I had collected this season.


The story is about the resurgence of United in the past two seasons.Just 2 seasons ago,all this would have seemed like a distant dream,but now its a reality.


Its not my best video technically,but I still feel its enjoyable.




1 mbs




41 mb




5 minutes 53 seconds












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J'ai copié son post pour avoir tout les liens!

"You're gonna do us all proud. When you put on those red shirts it! You can win this thing. If I could choose anybody I wanted, from Hungary, West Germany, Italy, Spain, all of South America...I'd still pick every single one of you...You're Manchester United...Go over there and get stuck in!"
- Jimmy Murphy.
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Merci :)


T'aurais la musique du début s'il te plait :blush: ?

Par contre la musique a la fin est bidon :D

Voilà les musiques qu'il a donné, mais certaines il ne sait plus!

The Island teaser trailer - Lucius die

Pain - Jimmy eat world

Troy teaser trailer

I dont the know the name of the song I used for the CL final match.

Final song is a tamil song called thathi thathi.


Je suis d'acc la dernière est particulière! :D


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Sur Youtube? Bah alors télécharge là, parce qu'apparemment, il va devoir la remettre sur youtube! Je vais pas la mettre sans son accord donc je te tiendrais au courant dès qu'un nouveau lien sera dispo!

"You're gonna do us all proud. When you put on those red shirts it! You can win this thing. If I could choose anybody I wanted, from Hungary, West Germany, Italy, Spain, all of South America...I'd still pick every single one of you...You're Manchester United...Go over there and get stuck in!"
- Jimmy Murphy.
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La video a été suprimée

J'ai édité le lien Youtube, Ananth m'a donné son accord pour mettre la vidéo sur mon compte Youtube, donc tu peux la regarder :)

"You're gonna do us all proud. When you put on those red shirts it! You can win this thing. If I could choose anybody I wanted, from Hungary, West Germany, Italy, Spain, all of South America...I'd still pick every single one of you...You're Manchester United...Go over there and get stuck in!"
- Jimmy Murphy.
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Dément la vid !! merci !



« Quand le gouvernement viole les droits du peuple, l'insurrection est, pour le peuple et pour chaque portion du peuple, le plus sacre des droits et le plus indispensable des devoirs. » (art. 35 de la Declaration des Droits de l'Homme - 1793)

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trnkill geant bravo j aime



Y'à des Ronaldo, des Messi, etc nous on à Ryan Giggs et avec la longévité

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