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[VIDEOS] Les buts de la ligue des champions


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Les buts manquants :


Highlights Bordeaux - Liverpool


Highlights Inter Milan - Spartak Moscou


Highlights Sporting - Bayern Munich


Highlights Olympiakos - As Roma


Highlights Werder Brême - Levski Sofia

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Meilleurs contributeurs dans ce sujet

Thanks alansmith :)

Pas mal le but de Ruud.



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  • 2 semaines après...

Barcelona vs Chelsea :


1-0 Deco :


1-1 Lampard :


2-1 Gudjohnsen :


2-2 Drogba :


Spartak Moscou vs Inter Milan


0-1 Cruz :



Merci à Toone10 et Matt-Gunner4life de

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Deco marche pas

"May be just now, Manchester United are enjoying the difference.

Instead of playing for the championship, they're playing as champions." (Martin Tyler, May 3, 1993)

"It comes for Cantonaaaa!! I don't believe it. You just couldn't write this script." (Martin Tyler, May 11, 1996)

"Two international greats here. A decisive moment in a FA Cup semi final replay. Bergkamp and Schmeichel...

and Schmeichel has saved it! What a hero for Manchester United!" (Martin Tyler, April 14, 1999)

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Merki :)

"May be just now, Manchester United are enjoying the difference.

Instead of playing for the championship, they're playing as champions." (Martin Tyler, May 3, 1993)

"It comes for Cantonaaaa!! I don't believe it. You just couldn't write this script." (Martin Tyler, May 11, 1996)

"Two international greats here. A decisive moment in a FA Cup semi final replay. Bergkamp and Schmeichel...

and Schmeichel has saved it! What a hero for Manchester United!" (Martin Tyler, April 14, 1999)

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Merci pour ces résumés :)

"May be just now, Manchester United are enjoying the difference.

Instead of playing for the championship, they're playing as champions." (Martin Tyler, May 3, 1993)

"It comes for Cantonaaaa!! I don't believe it. You just couldn't write this script." (Martin Tyler, May 11, 1996)

"Two international greats here. A decisive moment in a FA Cup semi final replay. Bergkamp and Schmeichel...

and Schmeichel has saved it! What a hero for Manchester United!" (Martin Tyler, April 14, 1999)

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  • 3 semaines après...
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merci a tous pour ces videos :bj:



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