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Newcastle United 1-5 Manchester United


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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
Eleanor Roosevelt

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Génial ce commentaire sur BBC.


1756: Manchester United seem to be toying with the opposition. Cristiano Ronaldo has now joined Carlos Tevez in the middle, with Wayne Rooney on the left and Nani on the right. The movement of the front four is killling Newcastle.


Man Utd joue avec l'adversaire. CR rejoint Tevez au milieu, Rooney à gauche et Nani à droite. Le mouvement des 4 attaquants tue Newcastle...

Quand est ce que la média français apprendra à commenter un match de cette manière...


The moment of pure magic...

Where were you on the night of 26th May 1999

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He can pass, tackle, head
Michael Carrick is a red
Gerrard, Lampard, Fabregas
You're not fit to wipe his ass !

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:yesss: :yesss: :playball: !!!


magnifique !

Don't be too fat or too thin

or too dark or too light


Don't be too sexual or too chaste

or too smart or too dumb


Be yourself, but make sure you fit it...

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