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Patrice Evra


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Ah, et au pire des gars essayons de trouver le facebook ou tweeter de sa femme, si on fait ça bien, y a aucunes raisons qu'elle la partage pas, d'autant plus qu'elle provient ( la lettre hein ) de la plus grande communauté française mancunienne ( en même temps, y en a d'autres ? ^^ )


MUSC France. <_<

D'ailleurs comment ça se fait que cette purge soit le site officiel des fans de MU en France? Ryan fait quelque chose!!!

Modifié par yactiano7
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J'ai hâte de lire sa lettre ! Franchement je suis dégoûté qu'il parte, même si il n'était pu aussi bon qu'avant, il avait une importance capital dans le groupe, p***** ça me fais ch*** de parler de lui au passé.. :(

"Giggs tearing you apart since 1991"

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Il n'y a que moi qui me réjouis ENFIN de son départ? Depuis 2010 il me tape sur le système!

Disons que je ne me réjouis pas non plus de son départ , mais son niveau est insuffisant ces dernières années , on aurait pu le laisser en remplaçant vu qu'il est aussi assez important pour le vestiaire.

Bref , ça a été une légende de notre club et j'espère qu'il recevra un grand hommage.

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Manchester United's Evra has put on standby his move to Juventus pending the name of new manager, according to Sky Italy

On dirait qu'Evra a décidé de mettre en attente son transfert à la Juventus en attendant le nom du nouveau manager. Ça risque qu'il reste si Conte était la raison de son départ, et surtout si c'était lui qui le voulait.

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Ah ok.


Donc voici la lettre de Patrice Evra :


Dear United fans,

Manchester United is one of the biggest team in the world, even if our last season was very bad. Therefore I’ll stay here next season.

Modifié par Red Eye
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Mata is Free

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Ah ok.


Donc voici la lettre de Patrice Evra :


Dear United fans,

Manchester United is the one of the biggest team in the world, even if our last season was very bad. Therefore I’ll stay here next season.

t'as oublié de mettre la source qui est :

Modifié par Neosquall
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G Neville: “I'm sad Evra is going. People will never understand the character & personality of Patrice until they get in that dressing room"


Gary Neville : "Le départ d'Evra m'attriste. Les gens ne comprendront jamais le caractère et la personnalité de Patrice tant qu'ils ne seront pas entré dans ce vestiaire."



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tumblr_mh9389yDis1qk1fueo1_500.gif (cliquez cliquez c'est la famille)

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Patrice Evra has left #mufc to join Juventus. Everyone at the club would like to thank him for his many years of excellent service.


Officiel, merci pour tout captain Pat ! :united:

Modifié par BigManUtd



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Bonne route, merci à ce grand serviteur de la maison rouge.

"Oh, Monsieur et maître, la misère est grande. Les fantômes que j'ai conjurés, je ne vais plus pouvoir m'en dépêtrer"





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Sa lettre d'adieu:


Evra thanks Manchester United fans


Having agreed a deal to join Juventus from Manchester United and calling time on an illustrious nine-season career at Old Trafford, Patrice Evra released this statement to Reds supporters around the world...


"After a great deal of thought I have decided the time is right for me to leave Manchester United. It is the biggest decision of my career as this club is, and will always remain, in my heart.


Joining and playing for Manchester United has been a privilege, a dream come true and my time here has been so memorable. Through the good times and the bad times we have all stuck together and remained loyal. I have always said you don’t just join Manchester United, you join the family and long may that tradition continue.

"This club is steeped in history and I feel privileged to have become a part of that. Over the past nine years I have met and worked with some incredible people, many of whom will remain friends for life. I would like to thank everyone at the club - teammates, coaches and in particular all the staff who made every single day in Carrington or at Old Trafford a special day.


"An immense thank you to Sir Alex Ferguson for making it all possible, for giving me the privilege to be a captain, to be inspired by the legend of Manchester United and to understand that nobody is bigger than the club.


"My biggest thanks go to the fans. We have had some fantastic times together, we lifted all of those trophies together and that night in Moscow will live with us all forever. Every single time I stepped out in that shirt I knew I was playing for the badge and for a very special club.


"My passion for this club will live on and I know you guys will go on to enjoy more success in the coming seasons."

Modifié par BigManUtd
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Sa lettre d'adieu:


Evra thanks Manchester United fans


Having agreed a deal to join Juventus from Manchester United and calling time on an illustrious nine-season career at Old Trafford, Patrice Evra released this statement to Reds supporters around the world...


"After a great deal of thought I have decided the time is right for me to leave Manchester United. It is the biggest decision of my career as this club is, and will always remain, in my heart.


Joining and playing for Manchester United has been a privilege, a dream come true and my time here has been so memorable. Through the good times and the bad times we have all stuck together and remained loyal. I have always said you don’t just join Manchester United, you join the family and long may that tradition continue.

"This club is steeped in history and I feel privileged to have become a part of that. Over the past nine years I have met and worked with some incredible people, many of whom will remain friends for life. I would like to thank everyone at the club - teammates, coaches and in particular all the staff who made every single day in Carrington or at Old Trafford a special day.


"An immense thank you to Sir Alex Ferguson for making it all possible, for giving me the privilege to be a captain, to be inspired by the legend of Manchester United and to understand that nobody is bigger than the club.


"My biggest thanks go to the fans. We have had some fantastic times together, we lifted all of those trophies together and that night in Moscow will live with us all forever. Every single time I stepped out in that shirt I knew I was playing for the badge and for a very special club.


"My passion for this club will live on and I know you guys will go on to enjoy more success in the coming seasons."

Oh mon Patrice........ :( :( :( :(



LEGENDE p*****

Modifié par Marvin

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