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Carlos Tevez


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oui, je pense aussi que c'est un moyen de pression sur prix du joueur, mais bon...c'est vrai que MU a besoin d'un grand attaquant mais à quel prix? On parle déjà de 60M d'euros...à ce prix là, autant garder Rossi...

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Hammers OK'd Tevez deal :bj:



July 07, 2007


CARLOS TEVEZ expects his £38million Manchester United switch to go ahead — after West Ham gave him written permission to discuss a move.


Worried Premier League chiefs were yesterday blocking United from officially announcing the deal.


But the Argie striker has been hawked around Premiership clubs for the past three weeks with the full knowledge of the Hammers — who passed up a £40m option to buy him.


Tevez’s representatives last night confirmed he has agreed personal terms with United and they hope to finalise the move quickly.


The Premier League said United must deal with the Hammers rather than directly with the consortium who effectively own Tevez.


But the fact West Ham have given the player permission in writing to talk to the champions should overcome that insistence.


Last night, the waters were muddied further with the Hammers apparently saying they would not release Tevez’s registration in an apparent attempt to get a major cut of the deal.


In a statement, club chairman Eggert Magnusson said: “No decision on his future can be reached without the agreement of West Ham United.”


But while the Upton Park outfit will receive a compensation payment for releasing Tevez’s registration, they have been told to forget landing a major cash windfall.


Although the Eastenders still hold his registration they do not have a contract of employment with him.


A source close to Tevez, who is contracted to a consortium headed by businessman Kia Joorabchian, said: “West Ham might be able to get a small amount of compensation to pass on Tevez’s registration, but claims they can get millions are, quite frankly, laughable.


“The initial agreement with West Ham was for a year loan with an option to buy Tevez on a three-year contract for £40m when that period expired. The club did not take up that option.


“It’s my understanding that around three weeks ago Kia was given written permission by the club to discuss a possible move for Carlos.”


United had hoped to officially announce the star’s capture.


But the Premier League blocked that plan and last night they still had not given the green light.


However, Joorabchian’s lawyers said in a statement: “We confirm that Carlos Tevez has, with the knowledge and permission of West Ham United, been in discussions with other clubs.


“Subsequently, personal terms have now been agreed with Manchester United.”


Tevez, 23, is understood to have undergone a medical yesterday in Venezuela, where he is playing for Argentina in the Copa America.


As SunSport revealed yesterday, United boss Alex Ferguson is committing the club to take Tevez initially for two years, with the option to extend that by a further three.


United stand to pay out around £28m in wages to Tevez if he stays for five years — plus £10m in ‘service fees’ to Joorabchian and a fee yet to be decided if they sign him permanently after his first two years.


The plan is for Tevez to join United on their pre-season tour to the USA once the Copa America is over.


Argentina legend Carlos Bilardo, their 1986 World Cup-winning coach, said: “Tevez and Rooney are still young and they will be like two tanks at the sharp end of United’s attack.”



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Tevez est pret pour tout pour nous rejoindre


il a dit " j'ai parle avec M.Ferguson G lui ait donne ma parole et il m'a dit que je serai a manchester la saison prochaine" bonne nouvelle :bj::bj:


desole pour les fautes orthographe

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Maxime n'oublie pas ta source la prochaine fois ;)


Sinon on sent bien que quoi qu'il arrive, Tevez ne jouera pas à West Ham la saison prochaine. Avec cette histoire d'appartement Tevez peut bien faire le forcing pour se casser.



On sait ce qu'on est.. De quoi on est fait.. On a la guerre dans le sang.. Alors à quoi bon résister..

On ne tue pas pour son pays.. On tue pour soi-même.. Dieu n'arrivera jamais à éteindre la flamme..

Quand on nous pousse, on peut tuer comme on respire...


John Rambo.

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Hammers OK'd Tevez deal :bj:



July 07, 2007


CARLOS TEVEZ expects his £38million Manchester United switch to go ahead — after West Ham gave him written permission to discuss a move.


Worried Premier League chiefs were yesterday blocking United from officially announcing the deal.


But the Argie striker has been hawked around Premiership clubs for the past three weeks with the full knowledge of the Hammers — who passed up a £40m option to buy him.


Tevez’s representatives last night confirmed he has agreed personal terms with United and they hope to finalise the move quickly.


The Premier League said United must deal with the Hammers rather than directly with the consortium who effectively own Tevez.


But the fact West Ham have given the player permission in writing to talk to the champions should overcome that insistence.


Last night, the waters were muddied further with the Hammers apparently saying they would not release Tevez’s registration in an apparent attempt to get a major cut of the deal.


In a statement, club chairman Eggert Magnusson said: “No decision on his future can be reached without the agreement of West Ham United.”


But while the Upton Park outfit will receive a compensation payment for releasing Tevez’s registration, they have been told to forget landing a major cash windfall.


Although the Eastenders still hold his registration they do not have a contract of employment with him.


A source close to Tevez, who is contracted to a consortium headed by businessman Kia Joorabchian, said: “West Ham might be able to get a small amount of compensation to pass on Tevez’s registration, but claims they can get millions are, quite frankly, laughable.


“The initial agreement with West Ham was for a year loan with an option to buy Tevez on a three-year contract for £40m when that period expired. The club did not take up that option.


“It’s my understanding that around three weeks ago Kia was given written permission by the club to discuss a possible move for Carlos.”


United had hoped to officially announce the star’s capture.


But the Premier League blocked that plan and last night they still had not given the green light.


However, Joorabchian’s lawyers said in a statement: “We confirm that Carlos Tevez has, with the knowledge and permission of West Ham United, been in discussions with other clubs.


“Subsequently, personal terms have now been agreed with Manchester United.”


Tevez, 23, is understood to have undergone a medical yesterday in Venezuela, where he is playing for Argentina in the Copa America.


As SunSport revealed yesterday, United boss Alex Ferguson is committing the club to take Tevez initially for two years, with the option to extend that by a further three.


United stand to pay out around £28m in wages to Tevez if he stays for five years — plus £10m in ‘service fees’ to Joorabchian and a fee yet to be decided if they sign him permanently after his first two years.


The plan is for Tevez to join United on their pre-season tour to the USA once the Copa America is over.


Argentina legend Carlos Bilardo, their 1986 World Cup-winning coach, said: “Tevez and Rooney are still young and they will be like two tanks at the sharp end of United’s attack.”





Bon en gros si j'ai bien compris on en a pour un peu plus de 38 M£ pour tevez en tout !!!!! C'est quand même bcp mais bon fergie doit savoir ce qu'il fait !!!!

I AM A RED DEVIL AND PROUD OF IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

United forever

"Ces injections de speed dans le jeu mancunien agissent comme des décharges électriques sur le cortex de l'adversaire. Des coups violents qui sapent le moral, à force de courir dans le vide, avec la mort aux trousses. Parce que c'est bien connu, MU attaque en meute." SO FOOT 30/04/2009


Je voue un culte à Jiminy :bave:<----------- Ceci est un Hoax ... la réalité est que c'est Jiminy qui me voue un culte mais il l'assume pas :D

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il a suffit que je parte 5 jours a la mer....pour trouver un foutoir pas possible a mon retour avec cette histoire de TEVEZ....qui si j'ai bien n'est pas ce qu'il y a de plus reglo!!!

en plus les droits de TEVEZ sont detenu par cet agent dont j'ai oublié le nom :kill::kill: je trouve que c'est de l'esclavage moderne...

mais bon je suis a 100% pour sa venue a condition que ce transfert ne foutte pas la m**** parout


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mais il y a un truc que je comprends pas : West Ham dit que le joueur est sous contrat avec eux et qu'ils l'attendent pour la saison prochaine. mais à la fin de la saison, ils ont refusé de l'acheter pour de bon. donc il est libre de s'engager avec qui il veut non ?


en tout cas qu'il est laid le pauvre... :( heureusement qu'il est bon footballeur.

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L'EPL mais aussi La Fifa ont donné leur accord a Manchester pour finaliser le Transfert de Carlos Tevez :bj:


United 'get the ok' to sign Tevez


West Ham est tout seul :D



On sait ce qu'on est.. De quoi on est fait.. On a la guerre dans le sang.. Alors à quoi bon résister..

On ne tue pas pour son pays.. On tue pour soi-même.. Dieu n'arrivera jamais à éteindre la flamme..

Quand on nous pousse, on peut tuer comme on respire...


John Rambo.

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bin tan mieu qu'il soit lais...comme ça il pense que au ballon et moins à sa quequette :D:united:


Tas ps entendu parler des exploits de Dinho dans les boites de nuits Parisiennes et Barcelonaises :D

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Le sujet les gars ! On retourne au sujet !



On sait ce qu'on est.. De quoi on est fait.. On a la guerre dans le sang.. Alors à quoi bon résister..

On ne tue pas pour son pays.. On tue pour soi-même.. Dieu n'arrivera jamais à éteindre la flamme..

Quand on nous pousse, on peut tuer comme on respire...


John Rambo.

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