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Eugène Saccomano - On refait le match



"May be just now, Manchester United are enjoying the difference.

Instead of playing for the championship, they're playing as champions." (Martin Tyler, May 3, 1993)

"It comes for Cantonaaaa!! I don't believe it. You just couldn't write this script." (Martin Tyler, May 11, 1996)

"Two international greats here. A decisive moment in a FA Cup semi final replay. Bergkamp and Schmeichel...

and Schmeichel has saved it! What a hero for Manchester United!" (Martin Tyler, April 14, 1999)

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Eugène Saccomano - On refait le match



tu peux pas, c'était hier

moi je peux plus, entre Praud et Verdez, ce sont des grosses merdes ces types, tu fais pas pire niveau chauvinisme, mauvaise foi et raisonnements de footix, ils m'arrachent les oreilles



the Rolling Stones - You can't always get what you want

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si tu peux ecouter les emissions via le site web

fais ch** Roustan et Tapie ne sont plus là

"May be just now, Manchester United are enjoying the difference.

Instead of playing for the championship, they're playing as champions." (Martin Tyler, May 3, 1993)

"It comes for Cantonaaaa!! I don't believe it. You just couldn't write this script." (Martin Tyler, May 11, 1996)

"Two international greats here. A decisive moment in a FA Cup semi final replay. Bergkamp and Schmeichel...

and Schmeichel has saved it! What a hero for Manchester United!" (Martin Tyler, April 14, 1999)

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si mais j'en ai pas écouté beaucoup cette année

l'année dernière l'équipe était mieux

"May be just now, Manchester United are enjoying the difference.

Instead of playing for the championship, they're playing as champions." (Martin Tyler, May 3, 1993)

"It comes for Cantonaaaa!! I don't believe it. You just couldn't write this script." (Martin Tyler, May 11, 1996)

"Two international greats here. A decisive moment in a FA Cup semi final replay. Bergkamp and Schmeichel...

and Schmeichel has saved it! What a hero for Manchester United!" (Martin Tyler, April 14, 1999)

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oui mais c'etait le maAaAaAatchhh du luuuunnndi !!

"May be just now, Manchester United are enjoying the difference.

Instead of playing for the championship, they're playing as champions." (Martin Tyler, May 3, 1993)

"It comes for Cantonaaaa!! I don't believe it. You just couldn't write this script." (Martin Tyler, May 11, 1996)

"Two international greats here. A decisive moment in a FA Cup semi final replay. Bergkamp and Schmeichel...

and Schmeichel has saved it! What a hero for Manchester United!" (Martin Tyler, April 14, 1999)

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