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Tout ce qui a été posté par busbyboys

  1. busbyboys

    Carlos Tevez

    Attendez quand même demain avant de vous réjouir. PLusieurs fois on était soit disant proche d'un accord même si cette fois ça sent bon !!
  2. busbyboys

    Carlos Tevez

    On se rapproche : Irons clear path for Tevez transfer West Ham are on Friday expected to announce they have agreed to release Carlos Tevez from his contract so he can join Manchester United. The agreement, which still needs to be formally ratified by the Premier League and Football Association, will see the Hammers paid between £1million and £3million in compensation. The deal will also mean the settlement of the £30million lawsuit brought against West Ham by Tevez's agent Kia Joorabchian. Talks on Thursday ended with an agreement between both sides and on Friday the league and the FA should sign off the deal - Premier League lawyers have been kept up-to-date with the progress of discussions. Teamtalk Annonce demain d'un accord, les pourparlers d'aujourd'jui ont été concluants. Réponse demain
  3. busbyboys

    Carlos Tevez

    Ya un terrible buzz sur redcafe comme quoi on est tout proche d'un accord, de plus interview de Magnusson qui voit une solution dans les 24 heures (SSN)
  4. busbyboys

    Carlos Tevez

    Tevez talks reach crucial stage Striker Tevez is desperate to move to Old Trafford West Ham and Carlos Tevez's advisers are to continue talks to resolve the dispute over the player's registration. If the matter is not resolved on Thursday, it is almost certain to go to the High Court on 22 August. The 23-year-old striker's advisers have to lodge their court papers after Thursday, a move which would make an out-of-court settlement unlikely. Tevez wants to move to Manchester United but his representatives and West Ham are at odds over his ownership. The Argentine is desperate for the issue to be resolved. "To play for a super-club like Manchester United without any pre-season work behind me is going to be a real handicap," he said. 606: DEBATE The problem if you go to court is that neither side can truly predict the outcome glopaul If the matter goes to the High Court, the hearing is scheduled to take up to three days meaning if Tevez is allowed to join United, he would be able to do so before the transfer window shuts on 31 August. However, BBC Five Live sports news correspondent Nigel Adderley believes the dispute could be resolved on Thursday. "It could be done on Thursday. I understand there is cautious optimism from some of those involved," he said. Tevez's switch to United stalled over who will be paid the transfer fee. The Premier League and West Ham say the Hammers should receive the fee but Kia Joorabchian's companies MSI and Just Sports Inc claim they own the striker's economic rights. Adderley explained: "West Ham need to reach a settlement which proves to the Premier League they are the significant beneficiaries of any transfer involving Tevez. "I think if they were to receive £2-3m from MSI, I think they'd release his registration." Any deal agreed would then have to be ratified by the Premier League. BBC Jour crucial pour l'affaire Tevez, comme on dit ou ça passe ou ça casse. Le correspondant de la BBC pense que ça pourrait se résoudre aujourd'hui. Espérons !!
  5. busbyboys

    Carlos Tevez

    Tevez deadline looms closer A deal over the future of Carlos Tevez may have to be settled on Thursday or a lengthy court battle will ensue. Talks between the Argentina striker's representatives and West Ham broke up tonight without an agreement being reached. It is understood there is a reasonable chance of a deal being done tomorrow because after that Tevez's agent Kia Joorabchian and his company Media Sports Investment (MSI) will have to lodge all their papers with the High Court. Once that is done, the dispute moves into another phase and court proceedings mean it much more unlikely that a settlement can be reached. West Ham are asking for a fee of several million pounds to release Tevez from his contract and registration and allow his move to Manchester United to proceed before the start of the season. MSI are claiming they own the player and have lodged a £30million High Court lawsuit against the Hammers. They claim West Ham should only be paid £100,000, as agreed in a controversial third-party agreement that the club ripped up in April. The key to achieving a settlement is for the parties to agree a sum that is not only acceptable to both, but also to the Premier League who are keeping a close watch to ensure West Ham do not act as though they are governed by those agreements. A High Court case is likely to centre on a contract proposed by West Ham chairman Eggert Magnusson in December under which Tevez would cease to be a Hammers player this summer. West Ham will claim that although they sent MSI this new contract, Tevez and Joorabchian never signed it and returned it to them, and that the club passed this document to the Premier League in February. MSI will insist they did sign the contract and will provide a copy of a signed document to the court. West Ham will argue that if that agreement had existed then they would have been cleared of having illegal third-party agreements instead of being fined £5.5million by an independent disciplinary commission in April.,00.html En gros les négociations entre JOOrachbian et WHU ont échoué hier soir, et demain serait le dernier jour pour un accord avant d'aller au Tribunal. Qu'on en finisse avec ce transfert, c'est pas bon pour l'équipe tout ce bordel. Je serais SAF je dirais c'est trop compliqué j'abandonne la piste Tevez, et là l'agent serait bien obligé de faire un compromis s'il veut toucher la thune.
  6. Il nous faut clairement un attaquant, Rooney est le meilleur sur le terrain. La défense est à ch***. Dimanche faudra jouer autrement sinon au revoir le Community Shield. Point qui me rassure :Les joueurs ne courent pas sans doute parce que match sans enjeu
  7. Défense catastrophique, Evra semble blessé !!
  8. busbyboys

    Carlos Tevez

    Avec Rossi qui vient de se casser, Smith qui est tout proche de Newcastle (MEN), on se retrouve plus qu'avec un seul attaquant valide: Rooney. Donc en gros on est dans la m****.
  9. busbyboys

    Giuseppe Rossi

    On récupère rien du tout, permanent deal pour 7 m£ MUTV
  10. busbyboys

    Giuseppe Rossi

    Moi j'ai compris que c'était un transfert permanent. Rossi a Villareal, Smith à Newcastle. J'espère vraiment qu'on va avoir Tevez ou au moins un autre attaquant !!
  11. busbyboys

    Carlos Tevez

    West Ham continue de travailler pour une solution sans aller au Tribunal, mais s'il devait y aller le club londonien présenterait un dossier très solide. West Ham Official site
  12. busbyboys

    Carlos Tevez

    Correction, c'est la date à laquelle se réunirait le Tribunal si aucun arrangement ne peut être trouvé d'ici là. Donc pour l'instant on en est aui même point qu'hier.
  13. busbyboys

    Carlos Tevez

    La Haute Cour de Justice se réunira le 22 Août !! SSN Bon pas d'arrangement a priori. Et ça continue encore et encore, c'est que le début d'accord d'accord !!!!!
  14. busbyboys

    Carlos Tevez

    Breaking News !!! FOOTBALL: West Ham hope to resolve Carlos Tevez's future within the next two days, BBC Sport understands. More soon. BBC
  15. Echange Palladino-Rossi ? Ranieri hints at Palladino swap for Man Utd's Rossi - July 30, 2007 Juventus coach Claudio Ranieri has hinted he'd be willing to do business with Manchester United regarding a swap deal involving Giuseppe Rossi and Raffaele Palladino. Ranieri - who got the best out of Rossi during their six-month spell at Parma together - indirectly praised the United player. "Raffaele Palladino has magnificent technique, but he needs to improve in his practicality," said Ranieri. Palladino and Rossi are rivals for a spot in the Under-21 squad and this comment adds fuel to the fire of an already existing offer to exchange the two players with Manchester United.
  16. busbyboys

    Carlos Tevez

    Qu'il paie les 6 M£ à West Ham et qu'on en finisse. Si ça va au tribunal y en a pour des mois.
  17. On reparle de Baines en cas de départ de Heinze la s***** argentine. Moi je dis oui !! Tabloïds anglais
  18. busbyboys

    Carlos Tevez

    Richards bids to broker deal to end Tevez saga Jamie Jackson Sunday July 29, 2007 The Observer Carlos Tevez will join Manchester United 'this week' according to a source closely involved with the dispute. After lawyers for Just Sports Inc and MSI, the companies that claim ownership the Argentina forward, served a writ on the club last Wednesday the affair appeared to be heading for the High Court. But Observer Sport understands all sides wish to avoid that route. West Ham have met the Premier League at least twice since Wednesday to try to find a resolution. On Friday morning Dave Richards, the League's chairman, agreed a proposal with the club that will end the matter if it is sanctioned by the Premier League board when it sits tomorrow. By Tuesday it should be known if the 'peace deal' has been agreed to, with all sides hopeful that it will be. This is why Kia Joorabchian, who represents JSI and MSI, was reported yesterday as saying that the matter could be settled away from the courts. However, he has not been made aware of the proposal's details. One theory is that West Ham will seek compensation before agreeing to release the player's registration, although this could be a token amount of around £100,000. Ca semblerait se débloquer, La Premier League aurait trouvé un accord avec West Ham après plusieurs rencontres. Et Mardi, ça devrait être enfin réglé.
  19. busbyboys

    Carlos Tevez

    Bon chaque partie semble vouloir éviter la Haute Cour de Justice Peace breaks out as Tevez parties try to avoid court showdown Last updated at 12:35pm on 27th July 2007 The Carlos Tevez row could be settled without a High Court battle it emerged today, paving the way for the striker to seal his £20million move to Manchester United. Daily Mail
  20. Lyon offre 3m£ pour Sylvestre, MU prêt à accepter. Daily Mail
  21. busbyboys

    Carlos Tevez

    Ferguson: Tevez is our player Sir Alex Ferguson says he already considers Carlos Tevez to be a Man Utd player.
  22. Bah justement si, je pense qu'Anelka est le plan B de Ferguson mais qu'il ne veut rien dévoiler pour le moment. En tous cas Rossi devrait rester (, et Boro a refait une offre pour Smith qui devrait donc partir (Sky)
  23. busbyboys

    Giuseppe Rossi

    Bonne nouvelle !! Rossi and Pique staying on Ferguson veut les garder tous les 2
  24. busbyboys

    Carlos Tevez

    Gill lui ne change pas de cap, toujours aussi confiant que Tevez sera à OT avant le 31 Août !! mANUTD;COM
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